East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project Updates, Los Angeles, California

In Los Angeles, California, the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project’s construction management support services consultant has been named as a joint venture (JV) between Arcadis and Mott MacDonald.

The Progressive Design Build (PDB) paradigm is being used for the project by LA Metro. They are receiving assistance from the Arcadis-Mott MacDonald (AMM) JV. The contract’s scope of work for AMM JV includes estimating and inspection services, and it will be in effect until September 2029.

In addition, the JV promised to contract with 10 small, disadvantaged enterprises for more than 30% of the work. These companies are owned by Latinos, Blacks, and women. A 6.7-mile light rail line with 11 stops, a parallel cycling path, and a maintenance and storage facility outfitted with solar panels are all part of the project’s first segment.

The track will be extended from Pacoima to the Sylmar/San Fernando Metrolink Station by an additional 2.5 miles. The second project phase will involve the implementation of the design options that are currently being evaluated.

East San Fernando Rail to be the first rail line built in the valley since 2000

The East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project will be the first rail line built in the valley since 2000. This is according to Mott MacDonald West Unit General Manager Ernie Figueroa.

“We are honored to be a part of the construction management team. We plan to bring modern, dependable mobility to a region of Los Angeles that is expanding quickly. The project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the area.

Additionally, it is anticipated to dramatically improve mobility alternatives along Van Nuys Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley.”

Reported earlier

Feb 2021

LA Metro light-rail transit project environmentally cleared by FTA

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) has been environmentally cleared by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for its East San Fernando Valley Light-Rail Transit Project.

The clearance from the FTA allows L.A. Metro to potentially seek some type of funding in the federal pipeline for the final design and construction of the 15-kilometer project, which is planned to connect the Van Nuys Metro “G” (Orange) Line Station with the San Fernando Metrolink Station. The light-rail line will travel primarily along Van Nuys Boulevard, one of the Valley’s most heavily traveled corridors.

Approximately US $1.3bn has been estimated for the project, which will be built in segments. Most of the funding will come from local Measure M, Measure R, and State funds. The project now could be well-positioned for expanded opportunities to compete for any future federal funding opportunities as part of L.A. Metro’s “Shovel Ready” Plan to move major rail, bus, and highway projects closer to implementation.

L.A. Metro will present its board with recommendations for a comprehensive federal grant strategy for its major transit projects this spring. With an end-to-end travel time of 31 minutes, daily boardings are anticipated to exceed 30,000 by the year 2040.

L.A. Metro Director Paul Krekorian said “The East San Fernando Valley Light Rail project has been one of my top transportation priorities since I was elected to the city council. This critical backbone project will be the first light rail line in the Valley, connecting communities, revitalizing neighborhoods, reducing congestion, and improving air quality.

Last month, we pushed the project forward with a US$ 30 million investment in utility work to expedite construction. Now, with the Federal Transportation Authority’s Record of Decision, this line becomes eligible for federal funding opportunities, and we are well on our way toward full funding and completion of the foundation for the future of transit in the San Fernando Valley.”

May 2022

East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit one step closer to construction

East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project is reportedly one step closer to beginning construction in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley, thanks to a recent financial deal with the US Department of Transportation.

The Federal Transit Administration said this week that it will contribute $908.7 million to the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor light rail route, which will connect Pacoima and Van Nuys. The 6.7-mile route will travel north-south in the Van Nuys Boulevard median, having 11 stations and connecting to Metro’s G (Orange) Line busway and the Metrolink Ventura County line.

“The eastern San Fernando Valley Corridor is one of the busiest transit routes in the country,” stated Deputy Secretary of Transportation Polly Trottenberg in a news release. “This news represents a significant step toward providing additional transportation alternatives, a better commute, and cleaner air for people in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles.”

The FTA finance deal will cover 25% of the project’s overall costs, which are projected to be $3.6 billion. According to a project page on the Metro website, the East San Fernando Valley Line is slated to begin construction in 2022 and open in 2028. When completed, the transit route will provide a 30-minute end-to-end ride between Pacoima and the Van Nuys Station on the G Line busway, which is also slated to be grade-separated and converted to light rail in the future.

The northern 2.5-mile stretch of the East San Fernando Valley Line, which would run between Pacoima and the Sylmar/San Fernando Metrolink station, is not covered by the FTA. The northern segment of the light rail line was cut from the project’s intended scope in 2020 due to rising construction costs. In place of installing 2.5 miles of extra track, Metro has subsequently considered expanding Metrolink service with a new station at Van Nuys Boulevard.