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Project to improve urban transportation of the greater Abidjan begins

Home » Transport » Project to improve urban transportation of the greater Abidjan begins

As part of the project to improve Urban Transportation of The Greater Abidjan (SDTUGA) the construction of the CHU, ORCA, and Palmeraie Interchanges on the boulevard François Mitterrand, in Cocody-Riviera has begun. The project was launched by the Ivorian Prime Minister, Patrick Achi on April 20.

The CHU interchange also known as the Police Academy interchange will be built at the intersection of the Police School. It will be an overpass with a metal box deck of 5 bays, 2×3 lanes, and 170m long. The ORCA interchange on the other hand is planned at the Riviera 3 crossroads. It will be built in 2×3 lanes and will extend over 221 m in length.

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Lastly, The Palmeraie Interchange will cover a length of 266m. It will be, an overpass with a metal box deck of 6 spans, also in 2×3 lanes. The adopted design speed for the CHU ORCA and Palmeraie Interchanges is 80 km/h. That of the penetrating roads from the coastal areas as well as that of the frontage road is 60 km/h.

About the project to improve urban transportation of the greater Abidjan

The Master Plan for Urban Transportation of The Greater Abidjan (SDTUGA) was adopted in 2014. A request for technical and financial support from donors for its implementation over the period 2015-2030 was also made. The plan consists of the construction of the 5th bridge of Abidjan linking Yopougon-Attécoubé and its road accesses.

The SDTUGA also involves the construction of interchanges and roundabouts on François Mitterrand Boulevard and the development of the Y4 ring highway from the France Boulevard roundabout to Anyama. The development will comprise the construction of Alépé, Anyama, and Mitterrand Boulevard interchanges.

Furthermore, the SDTUGA will include the split of the Highway’s East Exist from the civil prison road to Yopougon-Anyama road and the Highway’s West Exist (Dabou road).