Home » Transport » Woodrow Road improvement project in Lubbock County kicks off

Woodrow Road improvement project in Lubbock County kicks off

Home » Transport » Woodrow Road improvement project in Lubbock County kicks off

Lubbock County officials celebrated a significant milestone on Monday as they ceremoniously broke ground on a long-anticipated Woodrow Road improvement project. This endeavor marks the initiation of the initial phase of the Woodrow Road improvement project, a substantial $77 million expansion greenlit by Lubbock County voters back in 2019.

The commencement of construction for the first phase of this two-phase project kicked off in late October and is slated for completion by the fall of 2026, as per county officials. The Texas Department of Transportation is overseeing the execution of this initial phase in collaboration with the Woodlands-based general contractor, Webber, LLC, at an estimated cost of approximately $38 million.

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Bryant acknowledged the prolonged anticipation surrounding the Woodrow Road improvement project, emphasizing the importance of safety. He expressed enthusiasm for the positive changes on the horizon, stating, “While it’s been a long time coming and there’s been a lot of emphasis over the years on the safety out here, we know that better days are ahead.”

County Judge Curtis Parrish expressed his optimism, stating, “What we will get in the end is what I hope to be, and what we’re planning to be, one of the great arterials in this community that will serve the needs of the people of Lubbock County for the next 30 to 40 years.”

The scope of the first phase of the Woodrow Road improvement project

The scope of the first phase spans from U.S. 87 to Indiana Avenue, traversing in front of Lubbock-Cooper High School. This ambitious undertaking aims to transform 2.5 miles of Woodrow Road, also known as County Road 7600, from a two-lane county road into a five-lane thoroughfare, catering to the growing needs of the community.

The second phase of the project, projected to commence in the fall of 2024, mirrors the first by converting the remaining 2 miles of Woodrow Road at an estimated cost of around $28 million. The collective vision for the completed project, articulated by County Judge Curtis Parrish during the groundbreaking ceremony, is to establish a prominent arterial route that will serve the evolving demands of Lubbock County residents for the next three to four decades.

Keith Bryant, the superintendent of Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District (ISD), shed light on the profound impact the improved Woodrow Road will have on the local educational community. More than 4,000 students, teachers, and staff members traverse Woodrow Road daily to access three of the district’s schools located within the project area.

As the district continues to experience growth, Bryant expressed gratitude for the foresight in planning a five-lane thoroughfare. He emphasized the significance of having an infrastructure that will adequately serve the needs of the community for an extended period.

Additionally, the groundbreaking ceremony marked not only the physical initiation of the Woodrow Road improvement project but also symbolized the commencement of a transformative journey towards enhanced safety, efficiency, and community connectivity for Lubbock County.