The Construction of the Long Bridge: A Century-Old Revamp Project

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In recent insights, construction is set to commence on the Long Bridge between Washington D.C and Arlington. The bridge will be erected as part of a massive construction project that was inaugurated on Tuesday by U.S. Secretary of Transportation and other political figures. Furthermore, the new rail bridge construction aims repair the current bridge, which is over a century old. Additionally, it seeks to address one of the East Coast’s largest train bottlenecks. With two track lanes shared by freight and passenger trains, this has often been an issue. Various governmental dignitaries in the federal and states governments are optimistic that the project will be fulfilled without any setbacks. The new long rail bridge will involve a new two-track crossing that doubles rail capacity over the Potomac River will be constructed adjacent to the existing bridge.

Significance of the long bridge rail project

The new Long Bridge is expected to have an unprecedented significance in improving transport. Approximately 6 million passengers cross the bridge annually according to The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority. The U.S. Sectretary of Transport, Peter Buttigieg, stated at a press conference that these upgrades will make it possible for Amtrak and Virginia Railway Express to operate more frequently in the future. Additionally, there are very few pieces of infrastructure in the U.S. that citizens can rely on a daily basis. In order to maintain a steady level of service in the transport sector, better infrastructures are needed. One of the ways is that the U.S. will need an updated capacity and modern structure.

New Long Bridge
Construction is set to commence on the Long Bridge between Washington D.C and Arlington

The Bipartisan infrastructure law that Congress passed in 2021 will offer $729 million of the $2 billion for the projects funding. The Long Bridge will also guarantee that people have a simple commute to work. Rep Abigail Spanberger expressed noted that once completed, travelling across the new long bridge will allow people to witness what a wise investment looks like in action. There are also plans to include a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge besides the new rail bridge. This will effectively link East Potomac and George Washington Parkways to the Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center. It will also link the Mount Vernon Trail.

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Other Significant Transport Infrastructure Projects in the U.S.

Second Avenue Subway expansion
Apart from the construction of the new Long Bridge, the government is focused on the delivery of the Second Avenue Subway expansion.

Apart from the construction of the new Long Bridge, the government is focused on the delivery of the Second Avenue Subway expansion. The second phase is one that has been shrouded in mystery but has slowly progressed. Earlier in the year, transit agency officials announced awarding of the first contract on the East Harlem extension. The $182 million agreement will forsee the relocation of underground utilities in advance for construction on a new 106th Street stoop. Other new stations are planned for 116th and 125th streets. Once completed, the project is expected to serve an estimated 240,000 commuters daily. The city of New York is among the world’s largest cities, with a large number of commuters. This project is expected to ensure that it eases congestion and promotes amicable transport. Rail is one of the transport services that is heavily relied on in the U.S.

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