1GW renewable energy in Tunisia launched

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The initial phase of renewable energy in Tunisia that intends to install 1GW of capacity by 2020 has started.

Also:Germany to support renewable energy sector in Tunisia

At the end of last year, after a number of energy studies and due to the lack of a unified energy strategy, the nation’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energy initiated a new plan and strategy looking forward to 2030.

Under the new plans, Tunisia’s plan is to generate 30% of Tunisia’s electricity from renewable energy sources in 2030.

Looking to accomplish this, the nation plans to install 1GW worth of renewable energy between this year and 2020, and, in a second phase of the strategy, to install 1.25GW between 2021 and 2030.

Tunisia already started executing its strategy in early 2017, intending to develop 650MW of solar capacity and 350MW of wind capacity for a sum investment of about US $860m.

Under the new programme, Recharge understands that 200MW will be installed by private financiers under the concession system, with 100MW of solar and 100MW of wind, and 210MW under the licensing system, with 120MW of solar and 90MW of wind.

These projects will be done following calls for tenders and calls for projects, according to reports, no details have been divulged yet.

Publicly owned power utility Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (Steg) will afterward develop 300MW of solar projects and 80MW of wind power, reports say, while private companies will have the chance to develop 130MW of solar and 80MW of wind capacity.

Tunisia has repetitively made changes to its Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines, including by replacing top leadership, seeking to refocus attention, formerly shared with industry and mining, back on the energy sector.

In early 2016, the Ministry of Industry was split, with separate portfolios devoted to energy, mining and renewables on the one hand and industry on the other.


1GW renewable energy in Tunisia launched

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