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Bids invited for construction of Tharad Ahmedabad expressway in India

Home » Transport » Roads » Bids invited for construction of Tharad Ahmedabad expressway in India

Bids have officially been invited for the construction of the six-lane Tharad Ahmedabad Expressway in India’s Gujarat region. The bid invitation features three distinct calls (Package I, Package II and Package III) that were issued by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

The first package features the construction of a six-lane access-controlled expressway from 0.000 kilometers to 43,500 kilometers. Moreover, the package is worth Rs 1,327.17 crore and will run from Tharad to Khimana.

Moving on, the second package features the construction of a six-lane access-controlled expressway from 43,500 kilometers to 83,500 kilometers. Additionally, the package is worth Rs 1,524.67 crore and will stretch from Khima to Diodarda.

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Lastly, the third package features the construction of a six-lane access-controlled expressway from 83,500 kilometers to 127,000 kilometers. Furthermore, the package is worth Rs 1,745.73 crore and will pick up from Diodarda to Udaipur.

Implementation of the Tharad Ahmedabad expressway in India

The Tharad Ahmedabad expressway project will be carried out in the hybrid annuity model (HAM). The HAM will combine two infrastructure and construction models. The first is the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction). However, the government remains responsible for the project’s ownership, road maintenance as well as toll collection.

The second is the (Build, Operate, Transfer) BOT-Annuity Model), which includes the project’s construction, operation as well as maintenance. However, it is only for a certain period, for example, 10-15 years. Under the Hybrid Annuity Model, the NHAI will pay for 40% of the project’s total expenditure.

According to Gadkari, the Tharad Ahmedabad expressway in India aims to revive investments, especially within road infrastructure projects across India.