Construction works at the Sanatorium Hospital in Luanda, Angola are expected to be completed mid this year. According to Angolan Health minister, Sílvia Lutucuta, following its completion, the facility may be re-opened to the public by end of this year.
“Some heavy equipment may start arriving in the country in March, and should be assembled between June and November. In the same period, the process of training staff will be carried, to ensure decent service as of December,” she said.
Also Read: New Chiromo Mental Health Hospital
The new Sanatorium Hospital Luanda
The new Sanatorium Hospital will have the capacity to accommodate 180 patients, with some of these patients having already begun to be transferred to the new facilities. According to the minister, the two hospital ships with a capacity for 180 beds, a laboratory, an X-ray area, part of the cafeteria have been built. “We also have a kitchen and laundry on the same perimeter,” she said.
Late last year, Angolan President Joao Lourenco announced that the government is planning to inaugurate the Sanatorium Hospital this year, in addition to the maternal infant hospital and hematology hospital. Some of the these hospitals were to be inaugurated last year but due to Covid-19 the inaugurations had to be postponed. The president also affirmed that, despite the setbacks over the past few years, the sector is improving.
In addition to Sanatorium of Luanda, the minister visited the Orthopedics and Polyvalent Rehabilitation Center of Viana, Dr. António Agostinho Neto, where 28 technicians receive training on the production of prostheses. She also explained that there are reagents in the country for the diagnosis of the new strain of the Covid-19 virus which is spreading in Europe.