The A57 Link Roads application, formerly known as the Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme, has now been granted development consent by Transport Secretary Mark Harper.
The A57 Link Roads project will include the construction of the Mottram Moor Link Road. This is a new dual carriageway connecting the M67 junction 4 roundabout to an A57 junction at Mottram Moor. It will also include the construction of the A57 Link Road that will connect the A57 at Mottram Moor to a new A57 junction in Wooley Bridge.
The current route between the cities of Manchester and Sheffield is heavily congested. The A57 Link Roads project was deemed important enough by the government to qualify as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), as defined in the Planning Act 2008. The proposal was filed to the planning inspectorate in June of 2021 for consideration by National Highways and was approved for examination a month later.
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The A57 Link Roads project
The public, statutory consultees, and interested parties were afforded the opportunity to give evidence to the examining authority. Recommendations were made to the secretary of state in August 2022. It is The Planning Inspectorate’s 120th NSIP and 47th transport application to be examined. This will be within the timeframes specified in the Planning Act 2008.
“The Planning Inspectorate has now examined more than 100 nationally significant infrastructure projects. This is since the Planning Act 2008 process was introduced. Consequently, it has ensured all have the chance for involvement in the examination of projects that may affect them. These include local communities, the local authority, and other interested parties” said Navees Rahman, interim chief executive of the Planning Inspectorate.
“Before making its recommendation to the Secretary of State, the Examining Authority listened to. Furthermore, they fully considered all local views and evidence gathered during the Examination.”