As a world-class and cutting-edge interpretive centre, the Godumodumo Dinosaur Centre will be an iconic tourist attraction based on the narrative interpretation of paleontological, archaeological, and geological evidence uncovered in the Free State’s Golden Gate Highlands National Park.
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The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Fish Mahlalela, paid a visit to the Golden Gate Highlands National Park on Sunday as part of the National Department of Tourism’s commemoration of Tourism Month around the country.
At the time of our visit, the Godumodumo Dinosaur Centre was approaching completion. The dinosaur centre is a legacy project funded by the department’s Tourism Infrastructure Development Fund in 2018.
In a statement, Mahlalela noted that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the department and SANParks was strategic cooperation that resulted in the spectacular Dinosaur Centre and a host of other significant tourism infrastructure projects within South African National Parks (SANParks).
“This partnership has been in existence for decades, and it has been successful, especially because our mandates coincide with one another to promote the conservation and preservation of our national heritage but also the elevation of active tourism amongst our local citizens and international compatriots.” Mahlalaela further stated.
According to Dumisani Dlamini, Chief Financial Officer of (SANParks), the dinosaur centre is one of several major initiatives sponsored by the department on SANParks, totalling R435 million.
The Southern Most Tip Centre in the Western Cape; the Big Tree Development at our Tsitsikama National Park; the Dinosaur Centre; the extension of the Addo Elephant Rest Camp in the Eastern Cape; the Agulhas Lighthouse Precinct Development, also in the Western Cape; an innovative Youth Centre soon to open at the Mapungubwe National Park; and the EPWP are just a few of the critical partnership projects.
SANParks is certain that the centre will provide the finest platform for educating visitors, particularly young learners, about dinosaurs and the many other intriguing characteristics of the Golden Gate Highlands.