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Infrastructure for Mekin Hydroelectric Dam in Cameroon all set

Home » Energy » Hydropower » Infrastructure for Mekin Hydroelectric Dam in Cameroon all set

The Mekin hydroelectric Dam infrastructure is all set in Cameroon after the prediction by the African Development Bank in its 2018 African Economic outlook that additional hydroelectric development projects will fast-track industrialization in the country.

The government is now planning a full scale usage of the freshly completed 15MW hydro-electrical power dam constructed in the Dja and Lobo Division in the south Region by the Mekin Hydroelectric Development Corporation.

Cameroon Tribune visited the four main installations of the project and confirmed the power plant, the earth dam, the step-up power plant in the town of Mekin and the step-down power plant in Ndjom Yekomo are effectively completed.

Technical Director of the project said that the peak period for maximum production of electricity is in October though the Chinese-built dam currently contains enough water to supply electricity. He added that the control room requires a 24/7 monitoring.

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According to the head of the Unit, Giscard Kuete, from the computer monitors, they are able to examine, detect and recommend repairs of possible damages that may occur on the production cite, the electricity transportation lines and power stations. He also said that the Turbines supply 63 Kilovolts of power to the plant in Mekin which steps it up to 110 Kilovolts, then transports it via high tension cables to the step-down sub-station in Ndjom Yekomo.

Voltage reduction

The engineers in Njom Yekomo ensure the constant reduction of the 110 kilovolts voltage they receive into 30 kilovolts ready to be sent into ENEO cables for onward distribution to users. They however noted that due to technical difficulties on the part of ENEO, citizens cannot immediately begin to enjoy the fruits of the project.

After carrying a test, they said the distribution company’s equipment needed repairs and upgrade to distribute the energy to target Sub Division like Meyomessi, Bengbis, Djoum, and surrounding villages of Endom, among others.

The Technical Director of the construction corporation, Charles Nkwawir Shiyteng says, Mekin Hydroelectric Development Corporation has reached an understanding with ENEO which will facilitate provisional reception of the project on April 1, after one last test scheduled to take place in March. The Mekin Dam is one of many ongoing hydroelectric projects in the country and has a maximum production capacity of about 5,080 hours per year.