Jordan’s King Hussein Bridge set to undergo a US$ 211M+ upgrade project

Home » News » Jordan’s King Hussein Bridge set to undergo a US$ 211M+ upgrade project

Jordan’s King Hussein Bridge is set to undergo an upgrade project the cost of which is more than US$ 211M. The bridge crosses the Jordan river near the city of Jericho. The upgrade project aims to put in place, ease of traveling through the bridge. Especially since Jordanian roads have seen an increasing traveler capacity from the Queen Alla International Airport.

The bridge also connects the West Bank with Jordan. Therefore it is the sole entry and/or exit point for West Bank Palestinians. As a result, it aims to offer solutions to problems facing Palestinians that are traveling to and from Jordan.

Jordan to fast track the implementation of the project 

Recently, Wajih Azaizeh, the Minister of Transport, Faraya Azaizeh, and the Interior Minister alongside Assem Salem had a meeting to further discuss the solutions. The meeting placed focus on the measures that can be offered by Jordan to facilitate Palestiant travel in a much better and hassle-free way. +

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Jordan’s King Hussein Bridge upgrade project will ensure the set up of a complaint box. This is said to help mitigate the obstacles that travelers in general, may still face, and best the project could solve them.

Sitting 381 meters which are well about 1,250 feet, the King Hussein Bridge, also known as the Al-Karameh Bridge, is the lowest fixed water crossing in the entire world. Because it serves as a border crossing, the Jordanian authorities categorize the bridge as an international border entry point. Its terminal is under the operation of the Israel Airports Authority.

Israeli authorities uninterruptedly open the King Hussein bridge

The announcement of the upgrade project comes barely approximately two months after Israeli authorities decided to uninterruptedly open the King Hussein bridge. This came as a result of a direct mediation by Morocco and the United States.

The parties involved agreed to the permanent 24/7 opening immediately and effectively from the moment the logistical conditions are met. These conditions are mainly in terms of human resources.

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