Home » Associations » NCA’s accreditation fee waiver to expire in over a week

NCA’s accreditation fee waiver to expire in over a week

Home » Associations » NCA’s accreditation fee waiver to expire in over a week

The National Construction Authority NCA’s accreditation fees waiver is set to expire in over a week. The authority waived accreditation fees for all construction workers and site supervisors  until 31st December 2020, as part of its efforts to mitigate against the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the construction industry; which has been experiencing a number of issues, including loss of jobs, diversion of construction project funds and general uncertainty.

NCA maintains three professional registers, for contractors, construction workers and projects. Construction workers and site supervisors are required to accredit with NCA, which confirms the level of education, expertise and experience.

The waiver means that the Ksh. 1,000 for construction workers and Ksh. 3,000 for construction site supervisors, payable every three years, is no longer applicable until the end of the year.

Construction workers with professional trade certificates can apply for full accreditation  here, while those without certification but with experience can apply for provisional accreditation here . For aspiring construction workers yet to attain either certification or experience, they can apply for apprenticeship here.

Also Read: Project registration guidelines with National Construction Authority


National Construction Authority (NCA) in Kenya is geared towards streamlining, overhauling and regulating an industry that has for many years suffered poor legislative framework and been dominated by unqualified persons. The National Construction Authority Act was assented to on 2nd December 2011 and operationalized on 8th June 2012. The National Construction Authority Regulations, which operationalize the Act, were passed on June 6th, 2014.

The National Construction Authority is empowered by the National Construction Authority Act no. 41 of 2011 to accredit and certify skilled construction workers and construction site supervisors. Accreditation ensures that all individuals participating in the various trades have the necessary skill to undertake the same.