Home » Transport » Namibia Roads Authority confirms upgrade of Windhoek-Okahandja road

Namibia Roads Authority confirms upgrade of Windhoek-Okahandja road

Home » Transport » Namibia Roads Authority confirms upgrade of Windhoek-Okahandja road

The Namibia Roads Authority (RA) has confirmed US$30.5m spending on the upgrade of the Windhoek-Okahandja road dual carriageway.

The project kicked off with the construction of section 3(a) of the huge project, covering the road from Brakwater to the Dobra River. The construction section started in January 2014 and was completed in December 2016.

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The project sections

Besides, Road Authority is expected to announce the cost of section 4(b) once a contractor is appointed. However, section 4(a) involves the rehabilitation and upgrading of the dual carriageway. The restoration begins from Dobra River to the Omakunde switch. Meanwhile, the project is currently at 38 percent. The project is scheduled for completion in January 2019.

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The upgrade continues from the Omakunde interchange all the way to Okahandja interchange. The project connects at a T-junction with roads leading to Okahandja, Swakopmund and Otjiwarongo.

So far the Roads Authority is pleased with the project work. Additionally, the public is requested to observe the road signs on the section that is currently under construction. The public is appealed to comply and follow the marked temporary speed limits.

Road Authority has not yet paid the Windhoek-Okahandja project contractors. Machinery and equipment are standing idle on major road construction sites. In fact, the contractors can demand up to US$22.9mn from the government for the build up cost for the work that wasn’t done.

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The government paid only US$ 72.2mn leaving a balance of over US$ 304.7mn. This means the builders has to cut on the agreed production, down to 18 percent. Although, this is a major challenge to the builders. In total, the contractor has 100 percent of the contract required capacity of equipment, staff and material on site.