As a part of its integrated public housing, the city in July this year, announced its plans to create 4,500 housing units at Wolwerivier. However, a couple of months later The City of Cape Town has decided to not proceed with the same. Brett Herron, Mayco member for Transport and concrete Development, said this was as a result of the area is 30 kilometres from town.
Wolwerivier is an incremental Development area (IDA). The development will benefit individuals awaiting better housing. However, some residents have been there for years. Several were resettled from destroyed informal settlements. The area also has high unemployment.
Also read: South Africa urgently needs to rethink its approach to housing
However, Herron’s explained that the City of Cape Town has recently determined not to proceed with the formal development. He has additionally attributed this call to its location. Moreover, the city is of the opinion that first priority should go to better situated sites in the event of housing opportunities.
Two weeks ago, the city announced that it will turn 13 sites near the city centre into homes for low-income households. Herron said the city still owned the Wolwerivier site. He additionally said the city was assessing the demand for regular minibus taxi services to the area. This is because, according to him the minibus taxi trade services Wolwerivier.