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Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction Plan Seeks Public Opinion

Home » Transport » Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction Plan Seeks Public Opinion

A main thoroughfare over the Los Angeles Harbor is lined up for repairs as Caltrans is asking the public the best way to go about the Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction Project. Construction on the Vincent Thomas Bridge is expected to begin in the year 2025 to fix the rapidly deteriorating deck.

The bridge was opened in the year 1963, and as a result of years of exposure to the marine environment and heavy truck traffic have led to wearing down the bridge’s deck.

Cost of the Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction Project

Either a full or partial closure of the bridge would be done during the $745 million Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction plan to replace the entire deck of the bridge. This would be a years-long endeavor, and traffic diversions would affect residents who live near this bridge.

Caltrans wants input from commuters and residents who live in communities to be affected by the detours.

The first in person meeting took place May in 30th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wilmington Recreation Center in Wilmington.

The second meeting is expected to be held on June 13th from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Peck Park Community Center in San Pedro.

Four Construction Staging options for Closure of the Vincent Thomas Bridge

  • Single-Stage Construction: Total closure of the bridge that would last between 16 to 41 months with detour routes and 24/7 work. The difference in construction timelines will depend on the type of deck that has been selected. The selection of Orthotropic and Pre-Cast deck types would lead to a construction timeline of around a total of 16 months. A Cast-in-Place deck type would lead to a construction timeline of roughly 41 months.
  • Two-Stage Construction: One lane will be open in every direction for each stage (two stages). The work would entail the installation of a temporary support/bracing system, potentially reduced speeds of around 25 miles per hour (mph) as a result of the narrowed lanes, and multiple weekend (55-hour) total closures and overnight full closures of the bridge. Construction would last for a period of about 25 months.

Other Staging Options

  • Three-Stage Construction:  One lane open in each of the directions, with the installation of a temporary support/bracing system. One lane would remain open in each direction at every stage, and multiple weekend (55- hour) total bridge closures and full overnight bridge closures would be needed. Construction would last for a period of about 32 months.
  • Nighttime Bridge Closure: The bridge would be completely left opened during daytime traffic hours (i.e. between6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.). The work would call for the need of the installation of a temporary support/bracing system and totally close the bridge during nighttime hours (i.e. between 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) every single day. Construction works of the Vincent Thomas Bridge Construction project would last for a duration of around 48 months.

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